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Meet the recipients of this year's research grants!


Updated: Nov 9, 2023

The Board of the Canadian MPN Research Foundation had the honour of presenting this year's research grants in person to Dr. Hubert Tsui of Sunnybrook of Sunnybrook Health Science Centre of Toronto, and Dr. Shireen Sirhan of The Jewish General Hospital of Montreal (not in attendance was grant recipient Dr. Natasha Szuber of Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont of Montreal).

From left to right - Board Member Dr. Vikas Gupta, Grant Recipient Dr. Shireen Sirhan, Chair Merrill Pierce, Grant Recipient Dr. Hubert Tsui, Board Member Susan Wright, and Vice-Chair Mike Brady celebrate the first CMPNRF research grants awarded, at a luncheon in Toronto.

This year's projects endeavor to elevate both diagnostics and treatment of the disease.

In Dr. Tsui's research, novel molecular techniques designed to study the positioning of cells relative to each other will be used to provide a better understanding of specific MPN bone marrow patterns. This work will help to support the development and translation of spatial research techniques into potential clinical diagnostic use. Dr. Szuber and Dr. Sirhan will assess the feasibility and impact of a structured physical activity program on symptoms, quality of life, and clinical variables in patients with MPN.

Above: (l) Dr. Tsui, Board Chair Merrill Pierce, and Dr. Sirhan celebrate together in Toronto. (r) Dr. Szuber also received this year's grant.

In addition to celebrating the potential of these projects, the awards luncheon was an opportunity to share personal stories about the MPN journey from the perspective of health care professionals, patients and caregivers, and opportunities to improve the future of MPN care in Canada.

Our thanks to Dr. Tsui, Dr. Szuber and Dr. Sirhan for their dedication and innovation!



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PO Box 51576

Toronto RPO

The Beaches , ON
M4E 3V7


Our Mission is to stimulate original Canadian research in pursuit of new treatment options - and ultimately a cure - for the blood cancers collectively known as myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs).


CRA Registered Charity # 748799723 RR 001

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