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CMPNRF 2023 Grant Program - Call for Proposals



The Canadian MPN Research Foundation is a Registered not-for-profit Charitable Organization in Canada seeking to fund scientific and medical research in the Myeloproliferative Blood Cancers that focuses specifically on Myelofibrosis, Polycythemia Vera, and Essential Thrombocythemia.

The Canadian MPN Research Foundation is now calling for proposals for its 2023 Grant Program. Worthy projects will advance the understanding of mechanisms of action in the MPN’s and/or contribute to accelerating the discovery and development of new treatments for MPN patients.

Grants will be awarded in 2 categories:

  • New Investigator Awards. One-year grant of $35,000 per year. This grant will be aimed at emerging investigators who are considering a career related to research in the myeloproliferative disorders (MPNs) or established investigators in other fields who are interested in bringing their experience, skills, and ideas to research in the MPN’s.

Projects may be basic or translational research. The proposal should demonstrate an understanding of current science related to the MPNs and should build on that science to help provide a direction for future research. Projects deemed to accelerate the discovery of effective treatments for MPN’s will be considered as having an advantage for New Investigator awards.

  • Established Investigator Awards. One-year grant of $50,000 per year. This grant will be aimed at researchers with a demonstrated interest and history of achievement in MPN research. Projects can be either basic or translational research, as long as results will contribute to new understanding, new molecular targets, or new treatments for MPNs.

The Canadian MPN Research Foundation believes that active and meaningful collaboration among researchers with diverse expertise will accelerate the discovery of new mechanisms of action and the development of effective treatments for the MPNs. Preference will therefore be given to Established Investigator proposals made by collaborative groups of researchers, at a single or multiple institutions. An interdisciplinary approach will also receive favorable treatment.

Grants in both of the above categories will be granted for a One-year period with no assurances of continued funding upon termination and may include up to 5% indirect costs. Renewal of the grant for a second year will be based on satisfactory progress as determined through review by the Scientific Advisory Board of the Canadian MPN Research Foundation.


The following criteria will be used by the Canadian MPN Research Foundation Scientific/Medical Advisory Board to evaluate proposals for both the New Investigator and Established Investigator awards:

  • RELEVANCE: It should be clear that the proposal could open doors to new understanding, new molecular targets, or new or more effective treatments for MPN’s. The Canadian MPN Research Foundation is particularly interested in projects related to treatments currently under development or may be considering combination therapies. Novel therapeutic approaches will receive favorable attention.

  • DATA SHARING: The Canadian MPN Research Foundation feels that sharing data is important for advancing the science as rapidly as possible. While understanding the confidential nature of the research process, it is our expectation that all data will be made public within a year of being generated. We encourage scientific papers, presentations at ASH or comparable venues, smaller meetings, and website publication.


Call for proposals: February 2, 2023

Proposal due date: April 15, 2023

Scientific Advisory Committee Review: April 30, 2023

Notification of Awards: June 15, 2023

Anticipated funding start date: July 30, 2023


Applicants should prepare a grant application following the format described in the PDF below and email this full proposal to the Canadian MPN Research Foundation no later than April 15, 2023

The proposal should be emailed to the attention of Cheryl Petruk, Executive Director at


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PO Box 51576

Toronto RPO

The Beaches , ON
M4E 3V7


Our Mission is to stimulate original Canadian research in pursuit of new treatment options - and ultimately a cure - for the blood cancers collectively known as myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs).


CRA Registered Charity # 748799723 RR 001

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