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Canadian MPN Research Foundation Announces 2023-24 Research Grant Recipients


The Canadian MPN Research Foundation has the pleasure of announcing the recipients of the CMPNRF 2023-2024 research grants.

Dr. Hubert Tsui (Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto), and Drs. Shireen Sirhan (Jewish General Hospital, Montreal) and Natasha Szuber (Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont) were awarded this year’s two research grants on September 14, 2023. (Dr. Sirhan and Dr. Szuber are working in partnership).

“Congratulations to each of you on remarkable submissions and initiatives. We are proud to be able to support your research and look forward to a rewarding relationship. This is a very exciting time for the Foundation as it is our first time granting research funding”, said CMPNRF Board Chair Merrill Pierce.

For more information about the Canadian MPN Research Foundation’s work, please visit

About The Canadian MPN Research Foundation

The Canadian MPN Research Foundation (CMPNRF) was established in 2018. Our mission is to stimulate original and ongoing Canadian research in pursuit of new treatment options -- and ultimately a cure -- for the blood cancers collectively known as 'MPNs': polycythemia vera (PV), essential thrombocythemia (ET), and myelofibrosis (MF).

Media Contact: Merrill Pierce, Board Chair


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PO Box 51576

Toronto RPO

The Beaches , ON
M4E 3V7


Our Mission is to stimulate original Canadian research in pursuit of new treatment options - and ultimately a cure - for the blood cancers collectively known as myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs).


CRA Registered Charity # 748799723 RR 001

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